If your blacktop driveway is past the point of repair and in need of a new surface we are here to help you. Having been in the pavement business for so many years we have a database of the most qualified and experienced paving companies in the industry.

We will help put you in touch with one of our experienced pavers so they can come out and give you an assessment. This referral service from us does not cost you anything… all we ask is that you come back to Latex·ite® when you are ready to seal and protect it!


Every job includes:

  1. Site Visit to measure and examine existing conditions.
  2. Remove existing driveway
  3. Add 2″ processed stone to regrade existing base
  4. Fine grade and compact base
  5. Pave the area using Class II bituminous concrete (blacktop) and compact


For reference we offer two options:

Option 1: 2″ compacted asphalt, Dalton Item #96000

Option 2: 3″ compacted asphalt, Dalton Item #96100

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